Release Notes

What's new and what's fixed!

Carousel 7.1.0

December 12, 2017
  • CSL-506 - Player  Grouping & BS Firmware Management
    From the Player Dashboard, you can  now select multiple players at once to perform several bulk actions.
  • CSL-507 - BrightSign  Settings on Server
    Previously, all BrightSign player  settings had to be configured using the BrightSign Configuration Tool as a  secondary application. All of the settings are now available through the  player management console. Also, Carousel player software/BrightSign  firmware update downloads can be disabled from the Player Dashboard, for  BrightSign players. Allowing for the manual management of the number of  players allowed to upgrade to the newest software at a given time. 
  • CSL-508 - BrightSign  Auto Provisioning
    BrightSign player Auto Provisioning  eliminates the need to flash BrightSign SD cards individually. BrightSign  players can be plugged into a network setup for Auto Provisioning and  they will self-configure. This feature can be enabled via two different  methods, Option 43 and Known URL.
  • CSL-698 - Airplay  Interrupt
    AppleTV players can override AirPlay  sessions through device profiles setup in Jamf Pro  10.0+, controlled by Carousel.
  • CSL-699 - First  Locales
    Carousel now supports English,  French, Spanish, and German. Only the user interface is localized and  any wording from the API will continue to be in English. Additionally, the  Template Editor and Health Checks will not be translated and will display in  English. This functionality requires US English Windows Server OS.
  • CSL-741 - API Memory  Leaks
    Fixed several memory leaks in the  API.
  • CSL-833 - Uploading  Multiple Bulletins in a Zone Activates All Bulletins Immediately
    Uploading multiple bulletins at a  time used to activate all of the bulletins immediately. It now puts them all  into the Upcoming section until they are modified. Uploading a single bulletin  still activates it after clicking Publish.
  • CSL-494 - Service Restart  Required For Updated Player Licensing to Take Affect
    The Carousel service now periodically  applies updated licensing so that player licenses are available without a  service restart.
  • CSL-593 - Housekeeping  Not Deleting Bulletins From Disk
    Fixed an issue where bulletins would  not be deleted from the disk. It now deletes them when the Carousel  housekeeping task runs periodically as expected.
  • CSL-628 - Installer  Only Creates Firewall Exceptions for Local Subnet
    Changed the Carousel installer to  create Windows Firewall exceptions for all networks instead of just the local  subnet. This ensures Carousel services are accessible for systems that are  publicly available.
  • CSL-634 - Display Shows  Only Live Video Bulletins After Monitor Turns On
    Fixed an issue where a Windows player  would show black except for live video bulletins after a monitor has been  turned on. The player now displays all zones as expected.
  • CSL-637 - Error Logging  into Carousel with Usernames That Contain a Period
    Fixed an issue where a username  containing a period would cause a failure when trying to log into Carousel.  You can now log in without issue with a username that contains a period.
  • CSL-650 - Players Unable  to Update Due to Background Audio Error
    Fixed an issue where an empty  background audio playlist could cause BrightSign and Apple TV players to stop  updating their content. Content is now updated without issue.
  • CSL-762 - Images and  Videos in Templates Can Get Lost When Exporting a Channel
    Fixed an issue where pictures and  videos that are selected in picture or video blocks get lost for templates or  bulletins when exporting a channel with the Clone tool. The selected pictures  and videos are now present when exporting a channel.
  • CSL-807 - Duplicate  zone tags after importing a channel
    Duplicate tags will no longer be  created when importing a channel.
  • CSL-1021 - Windows  Player Won't Display New Content When Impression Tracking Is Enabled
    Fixed an memory leak with impression  tracking on Windows players that would eventually use all the memory needed  for http communication with the server.
  • CSL-601 - The Carousel  7 Help Site's Quick Links Do Not Scroll to Correct Position
    Fixed an issue with scrolling to  content when clicking on help text links in browsers other than chrome. The  help text now scrolls to the proper content.
  • CSL-636 - Creating  A Channel With Clone Tool Does Not Set Initial Channel
    Fixed an issue where importing a  Carousel system's first channel with the Clone tool would not set that  channel as the systems initial channel. The first imported channel is now set  as the initial channel on fresh systems.
  • CSL-697 - Failed Media  Uploads Report Success Message in User Interface
    Fixed an issue where the Carousel UI  would still report a success message when a media upload failed. It now only  shows that the media upload failed if that is the case.