This page is for on-premise, enterprise Carousel 7 customers.
Release Notes
What's new and what's fixed!
Carousel 7.1.1
March 1, 2018
CSL-1116 - BrightSign
Players Update Multiple Addresses It is now possible to configure both
an internal and an external Carousel server URL from within the Carousel user
interface. These URLs can then be used when creating BrightSign player's
setup script. This allows users to select which server URL the player should
use to communicate with the server.
CSL-837 - Players
can stop updating content Fixed an issue where players could
get into a state where they were unable to download new content because of a
dynamic bulletin with no content that didn't render a final.jpg file.
CSL-1080 - Player
Are Showing as Unlicensed After Upgrade to 7.1 Fixed an issue where a Windows player
would report that there were no licenses available after upgrading. Windows
players will now check in as expected after an upgrade.
CSL-1124 - Changing
a Bulletin Block to a Web Picture or Picture Block Throws Error When Trying
to Save Fixed an issue where changing a block
in a bulletin or template to a web picture block or a picture block would
throw an error when trying to save. You are now able to save bulletins and
templates with web picture and picture blocks without issue.
CSL-1168 - Bulletins
and Templates Can Lose Media When Exported Fixed an issue where exporting a
channel via the Clone tool could cause bulletins and templates to lose
pictures and videos if the bulletins or templates were moved or copied to a
different zone prior to the export.
CSL-1034 - Language
Falls Back to English if a Supported Language is Not First in the Browser
Language List Fixed an issue where any browser
language choices other than the first rank choice would be ignored when
determining which language to display. Carousel will now properly fall back
to the first supported language from the requested languages.
CSL-1039 - Player
Setting Passwords Are Lost After Editing a BrightSign Player Fixed an issue where saving a
BrightSign player's settings would clear out all of the player specific
passwords for DWS, SSH, and WiFi. This caused the players to have a
configuration mismatch even if no settings were changed. That will not longer
happen and passwords cannot be empty.
CSL-1210 - Flash
Message Is Incorrect When Deleting a Single Player Fixed an issue with the flash message
displayed when deleting a single player.
CSL-1214 - Clicking
Cancel When Editing Players Does Not Revert Some Changes Fixed and issue where canceling out
of editing a player would save some settings. It now reverts all settings
when canceling out of the player edit screen.