This page is for on-premise, enterprise Carousel 7 customers.
Release Notes
What's new and what's fixed!
Carousel 7.5.3
July 16, 2019
CSL-2703 - SQL Server Enterprise 2016 and SQL Server Enterprise 2017 Validation Task: SQL Server Enterprise 2016 and SQL Server Enterprise 2017 have been validated and are compatible with Carousel.
CSL-2804 - Carousel API Fetch URL can be exploited to access internal network devices: Improved security by adding an authorization layer to the Carousel API's rendering endpoints.
CSL-1684 - Webpage snapshots can pose security risk: Improved security by adding an authorization layer to the Carousel API's rendering endpoints.
CSL-2746 - Web Snapshot delay doesn't look like its being applied AFTER the dom is ready: Improved the behavior of web snapshot picture blocks. The delay parameter now behaves more predictably.
CSL-2750 - International characters/accent marks parse improperly in iCal: International characters from dynamic feeds are now shown correctly. All string downloads have been made UTF-8 compliant.
CSL-2757 - Zone RSS Feeds CDATA Formatting Fix: Zone RSS feeds CDATA tags were not including leading and trailing < > signs when formatting the "title" and "author" elements.
CSL-2815 - Cloud instances are susceptible to rendering DDOS due to unauthenticated endpoints: The rendering API endpoints now require proper security authentication.
CSL-2483 - Excluded words list causing RSS Crawl bulletins to continue to output: Carousel Players will no longer display RSS crawls that have been removed from the rotation due to the presence of excluded words.
CSL-2613 - Dynamic Fields not spacing correctly with Exchange calendars: Fixed a problem where the #description# field for Exchange calendars could include a lot of extra space before or after the content causing it to fit badly on bulletins.
CSL-2778 - Weather bulletins show #caption# when no caption is set: Fixed an issue where if you don't add a caption to a weather bulletin, it shows a giant, ugly "#Caption#" on your bulletin.